اوكتان للياقة البدنية

PRO 3700 - جهاز بيضاوي الشكل التجاري

نموذج : PRO-3700
AED 32,025
شامل ضريبة القيمة المضافة
Standard Delivery: Between 14 Feb - 16 Feb
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Real Running Motion

Designed based on precise human biomechanics, Octane elliptical machines deliver supremely comfortable natural movement and flow, both forward and backward, without stress on the joints, which is ideal for all levels of exercisers.
The Pro3700 Classic features close pedal spacing (only 1.8"), so your body is properly aligned from head to toe, thereby minimizing pressure on the lower back. Because the body feels so good during workouts, you are more likely to stay on longer and keep coming back.

Upper-Body Ergonomics

The patented, one-of-the-kind Converging Path and MultiGrip handlebars better engage the upper body and fit every exerciser comfortably.
With MultiGrip handlebars, you can target different arm, chest and back muscles simply by changing your grip. And Converging Path handlebars follow the natural path of the arms when walking or running.



Ultra-durable, before they ever get to a fitness floor, Octane Fitness elliptical machines undergo comprehensive quality and reliability testing, so clubs can count on ease of ownership and smooth performance. Octane also tests its equipment in busy health clubs to ensure that they withstand the ultimate wear and tear, 24/7.
Built to last and exceed expectations, these ellipticals quickly become the favorite of your members and your management team.

30:30 Interval Program
The 30:30 program is an innovative new workout available exclusively on Octane Fitness elliptical machines. It motivates and challenges exercisers of all abilities.
The 30:30 interval program was designed by Paul Robbins of Athletes' Performance to increase cardiovascular performance for elite athletes, but works equally well for deconditioned exercisers.

MMA Programs
Mixed Martial arts, or MMA, is an all new type of sport that has become a favorite worldwide. Octane Fitness has designed a creative new workout on its elliptical machines that mimics real-life MMA bouts and give participants an effective training routine like a fighter in the ring.
With built-in flexibility to meet each fighter's unique needs, the Octane MMA program challenges and motivates as the machine "fights back".

باستخدام جهاز Pro3700 البيضاوي ، يمكنك اختيار طول الخطوة الذي يعمل بشكل أفضل لأعضائك – إما 20.5 ″ أو 24″. وتوفر برامج التمرين المتقدمة مثل الفاصل الزمني 30:30 و MMA تحديًا إضافيًا للحصول على نتائج أفضل بشكل أسرع. تتميز هذه الماكينة الإهليلجية المتميزة بالميكانيكا الحيوية الدقيقة ، والحركة الطبيعية العلوية والسفلية ، ومجموعة كبيرة من التدريبات المحفزة والكثير من ميزات الراحة المدروسة ، وتغذي الجميع في منشأتك للحفاظ على الاتساق.

يحتوي طراز Octane PRO3700 هذا على مركز رسائل عرض LED كبير :

  • شاشة LED كبيرة مع مركز الرسائل
  • يعرض في نفس الوقت بيانات التمرين الأساسية
  • 24 ″ طول الخطوة الثابتة
  • أجهزة استشعار معدل ضربات القلب الاتصال الرقمية على المقابض الثابتة
  • معدل ضربات القلب اللاسلكي جاهز
  • 20 برنامج تمرين
  • 30 مستويات مقاومة
  • مروحة وحدة تحكم 3 سرعات
  • السلطة الذاتية
  • ضمان 5 سنوات
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